General information about the ARRL
To support amateur self-training in radiocommunications, including improving amateur operating skills
Welcome to CQ World Wide VHF Contest. The contest promotes VHF activity on the 6 and 2 meter bands with participation from around the world.
W1AW Bulletins subscriptions may be subscribed to at: SUBSCRIBE W1AW BULLETINS
NTS Letter Promotion Radiograms Many of you have recently seen radiograms from KW1U representing the NTS2 committee and publicizing The NTS Letter. These radiograms were sent to all Official Relay Stations, Net Managers and Section Traffic Managers listed in the ARRL’s Field Appointment database. Approximately 650 radiograms were sent over a period of two weeks. Our…
The Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station is known the world over for its on air Morse code practice sessions and news bulletins. When visiting ARRL HQ, W1AW is the first place members want to see. What can you expect to see on your visit? Here’s a look inside.
ARRL® has filed comments with the (FCC)
Contest Objective: Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using any digital mode (excluding RTTY) that supports the 4-digit Grid Square exchange — attended operation only — on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meter bands (Technicians are limited per FCC Rules to the 10 and 6 meter bands).…
Objective: This 24-hour event is not a contest; rather it is a day dedicated to celebrating our CW heritage. Participants are encouraged to get on the air and simply make enjoyable, conversational CW QSOs. The use of straight keys or bugs to send CW is preferred. There are no points scored and all who participate…