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To support amateur self-training in radiocommunications, including improving amateur operating skills
Welcome to CQ World Wide VHF Contest. The contest promotes VHF activity on the 6 and 2 meter bands with participation from around the world.
Welcome to CQ World Wide VHF Contest. The contest promotes VHF activity on the 6 and 2 meter bands with participation from around the world.
The CQ WPX attracts over 20,000 participants that take to the airwaves with the goal of making as many contacts with as many different callsign prefixes as possible.
The CQ WPX attracts over 20,000 participants that take to the airwaves with the goal of making as many contacts with as many different callsign prefixes as possible.
The WPX Contest is based on an award offered by CQ Magazine for working all prefixes.
CQ World Wide RTTY DX Contest.
The CQ WW is the largest amateur radio competition in the world.
Contest Objective: Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using any digital mode (excluding RTTY) that supports the 4-digit Grid Square exchange — attended operation only — on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meter bands (Technicians are limited per FCC Rules to the 10 and 6 meter bands).…
Objective: This 24-hour event is not a contest; rather it is a day dedicated to celebrating our CW heritage. Participants are encouraged to get on the air and simply make enjoyable, conversational CW QSOs. The use of straight keys or bugs to send CW is preferred. There are no points scored and all who participate…
February Vermont + Vermont QSO Party 0000Z, Feb 3 to 2400Z, Feb 4, 2024 Minnesota + Minnesota QSO Party 1400Z-2400Z, Feb 3, 2024 British Columbia + British Columbia QSO Party 1600Z, Feb 3 to 0359Z, Feb 4, 2024 and 1600Z-2359Z, Feb 4, 2024 South Carolina + South Carolina QSO Party 1500Z, Feb 24 to 0159Z, Feb…