ARRL Digital Contest
Contest Objective: Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using any digital mode (excluding RTTY) that supports the 4-digit Grid Square exchange — attended operation only — on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meter bands (Technicians are limited per FCC Rules to the 10 and 6 meter bands). Any station may work any other station. Stations may only be worked once per band, regardless of mode. Automated operation is not permitted — each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact.
Dates: First full weekend of June (June 7-8, 2025).
Contest Period: Begins 1800 UTC Saturday, ends 2359 UTC Sunday,
Contest rules are now maintained as a single downloadable document.
For contest information contact contests@arrl.org or (860) 594-0232
Log Submission Deadline
Logs are due within SEVEN (7) days after the event is over. Logs may only be submitted online (Cabrillo format) via our web app at contest-log-submission.arrl.org. Logs must be submitted in Cabrillo format via the web app. No paper logs will be accepted.
To convert your log into a Cabrillo formatted log for electronic submission, visit www.b4h.net/cabforms/ and select the event of interest. You can input your log data which will be converted to a Cabrillo formatted log for you (it will generate a log and return it to you), and then you can in turn submit your Cabrillo log online via the web app at contest-log-submission.arrl.org/.
Certificates will be awarded to: top QRP and Low Power Single Operator scorers; and top QRP and Low Power Multi-single scorers in each ARRL/RAC Section and DXCC country (other than W/VE). Printable certificates will be downloadable from contests.arrl.org/certificates.php.
Plaques, if sponsored, will be awarded to the top scoring QRP and Low Power entrant in each category overall, each ARRL Division, Canada and DXCC country (other than W/VE). Unsponsored plaques may be purchased from the ARRL. For details on plaque sponsorship, contact the ARRL Contest Program at contests@arrl.org or (860) 594-0232.
Club Competition:
- There are ten ARRL-sponsored contests that are designated as Affiliated Club Competitions (ACC) for ARRL and RAC affiliated clubs:
– RTTY Roundup
– January VHF Contest
– International DX Contest
– International Digital Contest
– June VHF Contest
– 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest
– September VHF Contest
– November Sweepstakes
– 160-Meter Contest
– 10-Meter Contest
For full club competition rules, please see the link below:
Follow Link: Affiliated Club Competition Rules
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