ARRL Sweepstakes

ARRL November Sweepstakes

Contest Objective: To support amateur self-training in radiocommunications, including improving amateur operating skills, conducting technical investigations, and intercommunicating with other amateurs. Stations in the United States and Canada (including territories and possessions) exchange information with as many other US and Canadian stations as possible on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.


Certificates will be awarded in the top operator CW and Phone scores in each category in each ARRL/RAC Section and Division. Printable certificates will be downloadable from will be awarded in the top operator CW and Phone scores in each category in each ARRL/RAC Section and Division. Printable certificates will be downloadable from

 All Overall and Division winners will be awarded a plaque recognizing their efforts. Plaques are sponsored by individuals, groups or clubs, or by the principal awards sponsor, Icom America. For details on plaque sponsorship, contact the ARRL Contest Program at or 860-594-0232

Participation pins and Clean Sweep coffee mugs are available for purchase from the ARRL by qualifying stations.

How do I learn more?

The American Radio Relay League offers official information about ARRL November Sweepstakes. They are the best place to get started.

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