Common Morse Code Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Meaning |
AA | All after |
AB | All Before |
ABT | About |
ADR | Address |
AGN | Repeat, Say Again |
ANT | Antenna |
AS | Standby, wait |
BCI | Broadcast Interference |
BCNU | Be seeing you |
BK | Break, Break in |
BTU | Back to you |
BUG | Semi-Automatic key |
BURO | Bureau |
B4 | Before |
CFM | Confirm, I confirm |
CLG | Calling |
CONDX | Conditions |
CQ | Calling any Station |
CS | Callsign |
CPY | Copy |
CUD | Could |
CUL | See you later |
CUZ | Because |
DE | From; This is |
DN | Down |
DX | Distance |
EMRG | Emergency |
ENUF | Enough |
ES | And |
FB | Fine business |
FER | For |
FM | Freq Modulation; From |
FREQ | Frequency |
GA | Good afternoon |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
GE | Good evening |
GG | Going |
GLD | Glad |
GM | Good morning |
GN | Good night |
GND | Ground |
GUD | Good |
HI | Laughing |
HR | Here, Hear, Hour |
HV | Have |
HW | How |
K | Invitation to transmit |
LID | Poor operator |
LSN | Listen |
MNI | Many |
NIL | Nothing, not in log |
NR | Number |
NW | New |
OB | Old boy |
OK | Correct |
OM | Old man |
OP | Operator |
OT | Old Timer |
PSE | Please |
PWR | Power |
R | Roger, Received |
RCVR | Receiver |
RFI | Radio Freq interference |
RIG | Station equipment |
RPT | Report |
RST | Signal Report |
RTTY | Radio teletype |
RX | Receive, receiver |
SASE | Self-addressed stamped envelope |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
SED | Said |
SEZ | Says |
SHUD | Should |
SIG | Signal, Signature |
SK | Out, clear, end of contact |
SKED | Schedule |
SN | Soon |
SRI | Sorry |
SSB | Single sideband |
STN | Station |
TEMP | Temperature |
TKS | Thanks |
TMW | Tomorrow |
TNX | Thanks |
TRE | There |
TT | That |
TU | Thank you |
TX | Transmitter, Transmit |
U | You |
UR | Your |
URS | Yours |
VY | Very |
WID | With |
WKD | Worked |
WL | Well, Will |
WID | With |
WUD | Would |
WX | Weather |
XCVR | Transceiver |
XMTR | Transmitter |
XYL | Wife |
YL | Young lady |
73 | Best regards |