Morse Code 101
Class 3
Characters- (U) Uniform, (A) Alpha
- Class Goals
- Class Presentation
- Practice Text Files
- Practical Exercise
- Additional Practice File
- Review
By the end of this class, you will acquire a basic understanding of the following letters.
During practice sessions using a typewriter or paper and pencil, aim to develop muscle memory reflex typing skills with an accuracy target of 90 percent. This approach will help you solidify your grasp of these key letters and improve your overall typing proficiency.
Practical Exercise
While the instructor will send Morse code using a Morse Code key or using the “Just Learn Morse Code” PC program, we will learn the letters:
The following steps is recommended to learn characters.
- Send and copy the letter (U) UNIFORM for 5 minutes.
- Send and copy the letter (A) ALPHA for 5 minutes.
- Send and copy the letters (U) UNIFORM and (A) ALPHA for 10 minutes
- Repeat any letter or letters to reach a 90 percent accuracy.
Our ultimate goal is to reach a 90 percent copying accuracy. The words per minute speed will increase with experience. Trying learning Morse code at 20 words per minute letter characters speed with the spacing between the characters at a slower 5 wpm spacing.
By utilizing this method, we can master the characters at the desired speed while also having additional time to fully understand each letter. This proficiency increases as we progress.
Training Goals Summary:
- Develop a basic understanding of Morse Code Theory.
- Master Morse Code Character Timing.
- Master the usage of the “Just Learn Morse Code” application, covering installation and configuration settings.
- Learned how to load messages for playing.
- Master copying characters (U) UNIFORM and (A) ALPHA