Event Details
The White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club is excited to celebrate our nation’s independence Day. Pleas join us to make theis event special.
The White House Communications Agency (WHCA), is a joint service military unit tasked with providing world class communications support to the President of the United States since its founding in 1942.
Special Event Callsign – W0H
Start: 0000, 4 July 2025
End: 0000, 7 July 2025
3.875 MHz
7.275 MHz
14.250 MHz
21.300 MHz
28.550 MHz
What is Independence Day?
The Birth of a Nation and Enduring Fight for Freedom
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation,”
These words, etched in the Declaration of Independence, signed by a group of visionary men on July 4th, 1776, marked the birth of a new nation. This document, a beacon of liberty, ignited a revolution that shattered the chains of British rule and established the United States as a beacon of democracy.
In modern English, these words mean, “It’s time for a nation to break free from its ties to another and establish itself as an independent and equal entity. To justify this decision to the world, they must clearly state the reasons behind their separation.”
Our founding fathers, led by George Washington, recognized the revolutionary nature of their undertaking. Washington famously called the newly formed republic a “Great Experiment,” a bold attempt to create a government based on democratic principles and dedicated to promoting human happiness through reasoned governance and a thriving civil society.
On this July 4th, let us celebrate the freedoms we enjoy, remembering the sacrifices made by those who came before us. Let us gather with our families, enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and reflect on the responsibility we share to preserve our nation’s legacy of liberty. We are fortunate to live in a nation where we can freely barbeque in our backyards, play a game of baseball, and sleep soundly at night, knowing that dedicated men and women in our military stand guard to protect our rights. Let us honor their service and strive to ensure that the flame of freedom continues to burn brightly for generations to come.

“We must be free not because we claim freedom but because we practice it.”

Thank you for making a QSO with us! You’ve accomplished something truly challenging!
We are delighted to hold several special events throughout the year. This is a list of our events:
1. Presidents Day
2. The anniversary of WHCA
3. Memorial Day
4. Independence Day
5. Veterans Day
Step 1.

Fill out your QSL or a note with the details of your QSO
Creating and sending beautiful, eye-catching certificates, along with ordering envelopes and applying postage, can be expensive, but we believe it’s worth the investment.
Receiving your donation and application early guarantees that we print the precise number of certificates required. This process minimizes unnecessary printing, which can lead to waste and ultimately increase costs. Additionally, it helps avoid delays in receiving your certificate due to an inadequate number of certificates being printed.
Step 2.

So that we may print the certificates, purchase envelopes, mailing labels and postage, we would be grateful for a $5.00 USD donation for U.S. amateurs and $10.00 USD for Radio Amateur in other countries.
Cash or checks are OK. Please make checks payable to Lowell Yates (please do not make the checks payable to the President, I’ll never see it Hi, Hi)
Any left over funds will be used to keep this site operational.
Thank you if you choose to pitch in. We will post your name, call and amount on the home page after the event.
Step 3
Place your QSL and donation in an envelope addressed to:
Lowell Yates
6809 Four Mile Rd.
Jackson, Ohio 45640

Step 4

Place your letter in the mail then sit back and relax. You will receive your certificate in a short time!
If you do not receive your certificate after 30 days, please email us at whcaarcconnect@yahoo.com.

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