Our Vision for Tomorrow
The White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club (WHCA ARC) focuses on fostering a community of amateur radio enthusiasts who support the mission of the White House Communications Agency. Our club aims to:
- Promote Amateur Radio: Encourage interest and participation in amateur radio among members and the broader community.
- Enhance Communication Skills: Provide opportunities to current and prospective members to develop and improve their communication and technical skills through continuing educations and various amateur radio activities.
- Support Emergency Communications: Prepare members to assist in emergency communication efforts, ensuring readiness in times of need.
- Promote: Promote the understanding and use of amateur radio as a vital communication tool.
- Foster Community Engagement: Build a sense of community among amateur radio operators, promoting collaboration and sharing of knowledge.
- Support the American Radio Relay League: The ARRL is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive amateur radio community while also addressing the evolving needs of its members.


Preamble to the Constitution of the
White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club
We, the members of this esteemed fellowship of individuals bound by a shared military past, do hereby declare our dedication to the enjoyment and advancement of Amateur Radio, recognizing its multifaceted and vital role in this modern age. We believe in the power of radio communication to unite individuals, foster ingenuity, and serve the common good of our community.
We endeavor to create a haven of welcome and inclusiveness., a place where those who share a passion for the art of Amateur Radio, regardless of their skill or experience, may gather. May we all share our knowledge, learn from one another, and contribute to the advancement of this remarkable pastime. We are committed to furthering the science of radio technology, nurturing the next generation of operators, and employing our skills to bring benefit to our community in ways both grand and small.
We are also committed to supporting our active duty, retired, and veterans, where we all share a common bond and the love of our country, as well as the duty to help our “Band of Brothers and Sisters.” Our members wholeheartedly believe in the concept of “leaving no one behind” and will serve those who have unselfishly served us.”
The White House Communications Amateur Radio Club doth operate independently of any political faction nor endorsed by, or sanctioned by, the White House, the White House Communications Agency, or any governmental entity whatsoever.
This document, our constitution, serves as a framework for our club’s governance, outlining our core principles, operational procedures, and commitment to fostering a vibrant and thriving community of amateur radio operators.

Article 1
Section 1: Membership Categories
- Membership is categorized into three (3) Groups
- Regular Membership
- Associate Membership
- Family Membership
Section 2: Membership Eligibility
- Membership eligibility is categorized into three (3) groups
- Regular Membership: All active duty members, retirees, and veterans who have served in the White House Communications Agency and hold a valid amateur radio license.
- Associate Membership: All active duty members, retirees, and veterans who have served in the White House Communications Agency but do not hold a valid amateur radio license.
- Family Membership: Immediate family of Regular and Associate members.
Section 3: Membership Privileges:
- Membership privileges is categorized into three (3) groups
- Regular Membership: Regular Members are authorized to fully participate in club matters and events.
- Associate Membership: Associate Members are not authorized to vote, but they can provide advisory input, express their views and participate in club events.
- Family Membership: Family members are not authorized to vote, but they can provide advisory input and express their views on club matters.
Section 4: Removal from the Club
- Members may be removed from office for cause:
- By the President. This decision can be can be overridden by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Regular members within seven (7) day of the dismissal.
- By a petition submitted to the President from three (3) members, after which the President shall hold a vote on the petition. The petition can be affirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Regular members
- After the removal from the club, the removed member may only be readmitted after a two-thirds 2/3 majority vote of the Regular membership.

Article 2
Section 1: Offices
- The leadership team is composed of the following offices:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Section 2: Duties of the Officers:
- President
- Leadership: Providing overall leadership and direction for the club, ensuring that it operates smoothly and effectively.
- Meeting Management: Presiding over club meetings, setting agendas, and ensuring that meetings are productive and orderly.
- Representation: Acting as the primary representative of the club to external organizations, stakeholders, and the community.
- Strategic Planning: Leading the development and implementation of the club’s strategic plans and goals.
- Decision Making: Making executive decisions on behalf of the club, often in consultation with other board members.
- Communication: Ensuring effective communication within the club, including keeping members informed about important issues and events.
- Delegation: Assigning tasks and responsibilities to other club officers and members to ensure that all club activities are carried out efficiently.
- Conflict Resolution: Addressing and resolving any conflicts or issues that arise within the club.
- Vice-President
- Support the President: Assisting the President in their duties and stepping in when the President is unavailable.
- Leadership: Providing leadership and guidance to club members and committees.
- Meeting Management: Presiding over meetings in the absence of the President.
- Event Coordination: Helping to plan and organize club events and activities.
- Communication: Ensuring effective communication within the club and with external parties.
- Strategic Planning: Assisting in the development and implementation of the club’s strategic plans and goals.
- Member Engagement: Encouraging member participation and involvement in club activities.
- Succession Planning: Preparing to assume the role of President if needed and ensuring a smooth transition of leadership.
- Secretary
- Record Keeping: Taking and maintaining accurate minutes of all club meetings.
- Correspondence: Handling all club correspondence, including emails, letters, and other communications.
- Documentation: Keeping records of club activities, membership lists, and other important documents.
- Communication: Ensuring that all members are informed about meetings, events, and other club activities.
- Support: Assisting the president and other officers with administrative tasks.
- Compliance: Ensuring that the club complies with its bylaws and any relevant regulations.
- Treasurer
- Financial Management: Overseeing the club’s finances, including managing bank accounts, tracking income and expenses, and ensuring financial stability.
- Budgeting: Preparing and presenting the annual budget, monitoring expenditures, and ensuring that the club operates within its financial means.
- Record Keeping: Maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records, including receipts, invoices, and bank statements.
- Reporting: Providing regular financial reports to the club’s board and members, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
- Fundraising: Assisting with fundraising efforts and ensuring that funds are collected, recorded, and used appropriately.
- Compliance: Ensuring that the club complies with all financial regulations and reporting requirements, including tax filings if applicable.
- Advisory Role: Advising the club’s board and members on financial matters and helping to make informed financial decisions.
Section 3: Elections:
- The requirements to hold office is:
- Hold Regular membership for at least one (1) year.
- Be active in the club.
- Election Date:
- Officer elections will be held in December of each year.
- Officer term of office is one (1) year which begins on 1 January and runs to 1 January of the following year.
Section 4: Vacancies of an Office
- Vacancies that occur between elections must be filled by a special election within thirty (30) days following the withdrawal or resignation of an officer.
- Resignations
- Any officer may resign his/her position in writing at which time all records and money belonging to the club must be turned over to the President or Vice President.
- Officers may be removed from office for cause:
- By the President. This decision can be can be overridden by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Regular members within seven (7) day of the dismissal.
- By a petition submitted to the President from three (3) members after which the President shall hold a vote on the petition. The petition can be affirmed by by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Regular members.
- The remove officer is ineligible to hold office again
- The removed officer is eligible to hold Regular membership.

Article 3
Section 1: Meetings:
- Meeting Agenda
- Agenda Preparation: The agenda should be prepared in advance and distributed to all members. It outlines the topics to be discussed and the order of business.
- Call to Order: The meeting is officially started by the chairperson or president, who calls the meeting to order.
- Roll Call: Attendance is taken to ensure a quorum is present. A quorum is the minimum number of members required to conduct official business.
- Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting are reviewed and approved by the members.
- Reports: Officers and committee chairs present their reports. This can include financial reports, project updates, and other relevant information.
- Old Business: Unfinished business from previous meetings is discussed and resolved.
- New Business: New topics and issues are introduced and discussed. Members can make motions to propose actions or decisions.
- Discussion and Debate: Members discuss and debate the motions on the floor. This is an opportunity for members to express their views and provide input.
- Voting: Members vote on the motions. The method of voting can vary (e.g., voice vote, show of hands, ballot).
- Announcements: Any upcoming events, deadlines, or important information is shared with the members.
- Adjournment: The meeting is officially ended by the chairperson or president.
- Voting on Motions
- Club meetings will be held remotely, at least one time through the calendar year.
- Regular club matters are held online.
- Member may move a motion for club business outside a regular meeting at any time
- Another member must second the motion within three (3) calendar days of the motion.
- At that time there will be five (5) days for discussion.
- At this time, the President will call for a vote.
- Polls will be held open for 5 calendar days.
- Finally, the majority of the poll respondents determines the outcome of the motion. The President breaks any tie votes.
Article 4
Membership Dues
Section 1: Membership Fees
- Membership to the White House Communication Agency Amateur Radio is free for all members.
- At WHCA-ARC sponsored events, each member has the option to voluntarily pay for their own expenses.

Article 5
W3HCA Callsign
Section 1: W3HCA Callsign Trustee
- W3HCA Callsign Administration
- The callsign for the White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club is W3HCA (whiskey-Three-Hotel-Charlie-Alpha).
- The President will assign trusteeship of the club call sign.
- The trustee will handle all matters concerning the callsign with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
- In the event where the trustee is not willing to maintain the callsign. The current trustee will take necessary steps to transfer ownership to another Full member trustee in accordance with current FCC rules and regulations. If a callsign trustee is unable to help with the transfer themselves, then current FCC rules and regulation will be followed for a transfer of trusteeship.

Article 6
Section 1: Management of Assets
- No assets will be owned by the WHCA-ARC
Article 7

Section 1: Safeguarding Classified Information
- The active duty, retired and other prior service members will safeguard all classified information they have had access to in accordance with all applicable United State laws.

Article 8
Dissolution of Operations
Section 1: Dissolution of Operations
- In the event that the Board of Directors votes to dissolve the Club, the motion for dissolution must receive more than a two-thirds vote of the full membership to pass.
- All assets will be evenly distributed between Regular members or donated to a non-profit organization.
- The motion for dissolution must receive more than a two-thirds vote of the full membership to pass.

Article 9
Section 1: Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
- The President will create a working group for the proposed amendment and will be chaired by the Vice-President.
- After the Amendments Working Group has finalized the wording, the Secretary will present the proposed amendment to the President.
- The text of the proposed amendment must be posted to www.whitehousecomms-arc/proposed-ammendments/ for minimum of 30 days for review by all the Regular members.
- The President will hold a vote within 30 days.
- The Constitution or By-Laws will be amended upon receiving a minimum of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Regular membership.

Article 9
Section 1: Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
- The President will create a working group for the proposed amendment and will be chaired by the Vice-President.
- After the Amendments Working Group has finalized the wording, the Secretary will present the proposed amendment to the President.
- The text of the proposed amendment must be posted to www.whitehousecomms-arc/proposed-ammendments/ for minimum of 30 days for review by all the Regular members.
- The President will hold a vote within 30 days.
- The Constitution or By-Laws will be amended upon receiving a minimum of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Regular membership.

Lowell R. Yates – KD8HD
President, WHCA-ARC
Ratification Date
Plank Owners
Member Name
Member Name
Member Name
Member Name
Member Name
Member Name
Member Name
Member Name
Member Name
Section 1
Anti-Discrimination Statement

The White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club] is committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members, regardless of:
- Race
- Color
- Religion
- National Origin
- Gender
- Sexual Orientation
- Gender Identity
- Age
- Disability
- Veteran Status
We believe that diversity strengthens our community and enriches the experience of all members. We condemn discrimination and harassment in any form, and we are committed to providing a safe and respectful space for all.
This statement is an integral part of our Club’s constitution and reflects our values and commitment to creating a positive and equitable environment for all.